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Cubit Lookroom Mülheim an der Ruhr

Opening hours:
Tuesday to Sunday 11-18 h
(only accessible during the museum's regular exhibition hours)

Information on the exhibition times can be found here before your visit.

Museum of Art Mülheim an der Ruhr
Synagogenplatz 1
45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr

Founded in 1909, the Mülheim Museum of Art is one of the oldest art museums in the Ruhr region. It has been located in the building of the former main post office in the city centre since 1994. As a place of encounter with art, reflection and inspiration, the museum will open to the public in May 2024 after many years of refurbishment with the two-part collection presentation "Im Herzen wild". From classical modernism to the latest contemporary artistic positions, the Museum of Art Mülheim an der Ruhr presents the diverse thematic facets of its collection.
In the foyer of the museum, architectural elements - the decorative wall frieze and the veneered columns made of dark green glazed rod mosaic - as well as a historical wall photo refer to the origins of the "Alte Post". Where the post office counters were once located, the spacious entrance hall now forms the entrance to the museum with ticket office and shop.
Many events and exhibition openings take place here and Cubit also presents itself.

This Lookroom displays a large sofa, a coffee table and a small shelf. Lookroom means that there are no Cubit employees on site and therefore no advice is available. Please get in touch with our customer service. Lookrooms are ideal to convince yourself of the quality of products and to get a feel for the haptics. The Lookroom is temporarily planned until May 2025.